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It's happened to all of us! We feel we do not have enough space for all the things that we have. Without a doubt, having more things than we need is not healthy, especially when we spend so many hours at home.

Today we want to share with you 5 things you should discard from your kitchen now!

1. Plastic containers

Take out food containers we think we can reuse. Sometimes they can be useful, but most of the time they only serve to accumulate, creating chaos in our kitchen. It's important to say that these containers should never be heated since the plastic is harmful to health.


2. Tea towels

Many times we buy too many of these. I know is hard to resist, they are very beautiful! However we begin to accumulate them and we usually use the same ones, and although they are in poor condition, we keep them. It is best to get rid of the old ones and have the right amount and in good condition too. This prevents us from wasting money and space.

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3. Chipped cups

Sometimes we have a favorite mug, but it got chipped and instead of tossing it we keep it. Needless to say, it is taking up much need real estate space!

Take a look at your cups, mugs and dish-ware and revise what you would like to keep and what you would like to toss/donate. You'll be surprised!

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4. Extra utensils

Over time we accumulate cooking utensils, such as a large number of knives, special spoons or implements such as openers, strainers, etc. Unless we are specialized in the kitchen, usually we will not use more than a couple of spoons and knives to cook (our favorites). Therefore it is not necessary to have them if they are not being used and they only make it difficult for us to find the ones that we actually use.

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5. Extra items in our pantry

Many times we mistakenly buy items that we do not like or that we expected to use it on a specific recipe we did not have the time to make. 

Check out the pantry and look for expired food, if so we must discard it, and if it has not expired yet, you can give it to someone who can really use it.

This applies for spices as well! How many times we've need 'a pinch' of a specific condiment and then the jar sits in the cabinet for months or years!

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