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An excellent way to stay healthy is through yoga, since it is not only a physical exercise but it also allows us to clear our minds.

That's why today we want to show you how to properly maintain and clean one of the most important items to practice your routine: your yoga mat!


Most of the time when we exercise, we leave our sweat on the yoga mat. And most of the time we just roll it up and put away, which creates bacteria and bad odors.

That's why we have created a recipe to clean your mat and keep it is great condition!


Spray bottle



Dish soap

Essential oils


Microfiber cloth

-Mix 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar in a spray bottle 

-Add 10 to 12 drops of essential oils

In case you have a specific stain to remove, we recommend putting a bit of dish soap on that specific area, then spray our cleanser and wipe the stain off with a microfiber cloth.


To clean the entire mat, spray the mix, let it sit for a few minutes and wipe it off with a microfiber cloth or the soft part of a sponge 

Then let your mat air for a few minutes, and it's ready to use or roll up and store!


What to do if your mat is very dirty?

In this case, you might want to wash your mat.

Place the mat in your bathtub and spray the mix. Add a few drops of dish soap and let water running to soak for a few minutes while cleaning it with the soft side of a sponge.

Once you are done drain the water (you might notice water is very dirty!) and rinse with clean water. 

To dry it, place a towel on top of the mat, roll it and press it as hard as possible. Then hang it to air dry and wait until it's completely dry to roll up and put away again. It is very important that you make sure the mat is completely dry before putting it away!

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We hope this tip is helpful and you can enjoy a clean and bacteria free yoga mat!

For a step by step tutorial visit our Youtube channel