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We all make mistakes and cleaning is not an exception, that’s why today we want to share with you 10 cleaning mistakes and how to fix them!

1- Clean your windows on a sunny day

Everybody wants to have a sunny day, but a shiny day is not the best to clean your windows,  because when you spray,  the sun will dry the cleanser faster than you can even start wiping down leaving streaks and not looking very nice.


2- Sponge

If you thought that rinsing or even washing your kitchen sponge with a little bit of dish soap was enough let me tell you that you need to disinfect it. The best way to do it is put it in a bowl with equal parts of water and vinegar, place it in the microwave and heat it for about three to four minutes. The heat will kill germs and bacteria so your sponge sponge will not only be clean but also disinfected!


3- Too much cleanser

When you over spray on the same surface what's happening is that you will need to wipe and wipe and wipe in order to get it clean making you work more than you need to. The best way to do is just to add a little bit of spray on microfiber clothes and then wipe it down.

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4- Clean everything with vinegar

I really love vinegar. I use vinegar pretty much everywhere in the house but there are some surfaces that are not okay with vinegar, like limestone marble and granite countertops. The acidity of the vinegar will ruin the finish of these natural stones. You can clean these surfaces with a damped cloth and some dish soap.


5- Putting big pots and pan at the bottom of your dishwasher

I know we all want to avoid hand washing, however when you place big pots and pan at the bottom of your dishwasher these will block water to go to the top rack, therefore your mugs, cups and everything you placed there will not get cleaned.


6- Spray cleanser directly on furniture

Not all furniture have the same finish, some of them are a little more porous and delicate than others and may absorb the cleanser at the risk of ruining the finish. So the best way to do it is spraying on a microfiber cloth and then you can wipe it on the furniture.

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7- Using the wrong tool on the wrong surface

Using a sponge everywhere in the house? Mmm… don't get me wrong, I love using my sponge but please keep in mind there are some surfaces there are more delicate than others for example stainless-steel appliances, if you use the scrubby side it will scratch the finish. So it’s best to use the back or soft side of the sponge or even better a microfiber cloth.

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8- Wet hardwood floors
Hardwood floors are very expensive and we want to make sure the last for as long as they can possibly can. Some old fashion string mops are very hard to squeeze and the inevitably leave floors more wet. Using a microfiber pad will solve this issue, it is easier to squeeze so you can constantly wash it as you clean the floors, that way you are not dragging a dirty mop around your home.


9- Vacuum Cleaning.
Another common mistake is not paying attention to your vacuum. If you have a vacuum with a cup make sure you empty the cup every single time after you use it. If your vacuum has a bag make sure you check the bag once in a while and don't wait until the bag is full because that will make the motor work double and eventually might break the motor.

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10- Making your bed immediately after your wake up

Don't get me wrong, I cannot address enough how important it is to make your bed every day! In my opinion it’s the number one chore you should do.  What I'm saying here is not to do it right after you wake up because when you sleep sweat and dead skin is on the bed and we need to make sure we air the bed before making it. So every morning when you wake up open the windows a little let fresh air circulate in your bedroom and your bed. Do this while you take a shower and get ready, by the time you are finish the bed has been aired and ready for you to make is nicely!

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