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Intrigued of how a professional cleaning company develops a cleaning routine?

Today we are sharing some of our cleaning secrets! 

1- Have all cleaning supplies at hand

Our first tip is to have all the cleaning supplies in the same area, it could be inside a bucket or a caddy, under the sink or maybe you have them in a designated area in a closet etc. Whatever works best for you! So that way it´s easy for you to grab the caddy and bring it with you while you are cleaning your home. This is so important is because you won't have to go back and forth trying to find that specific brush you need to scrub in between tile, you already have it with you! And you wont waste any time!


2- Declutter first, clean after 

Putting everything back where each item belongs will let you with clear surfaces making cleaning much easier for  you!


3- The clock move: Clean from top to bottom - left to right 

This way you'll create a system in a specific room or area and will know exactly where you started and where you need to finish so you don't clean the same area twice!

4- Let the cleanser do the job for you

This is specially important when you are cleaning tough areas like your stove or bathtub. Spray the cleanser and let it sit for a few minutes that way the cleanser is soaking, allowing dirt loosen up making your job easier and faster.


5- Clean from side to side

If you clean in rotation move and all over the surface there will be some areas that won't get cleaned properly. However if you do it from side to side you will cover every single inch from that area.


6- Line all your items when you clean

Think when you go to the store and all cans and jars are lined with the tag facing to the front. This makes the space look much neater and creates a sense of order. You can do this with items in your medicine cabinets, in your refrigerator, in your pantry, etc! In fact you can do this with items everywhere in your home!


7- Start with the hardest area

When we clean an apartment here in NY, most of the time we start with the bathrooms. The reason why is because this is probably the hardest and most time consuming area in the house. Once this is done, we feel we have accomplished the toughest area and can continue with the rest. 

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8- Simplify your cleaning products 

Try to use multi-surface cleaners, something that can be easily used in different areas of the home. Of course there are some very specific surfaces that we need an a specific cleanser, but in general you don't need 10 or 20 products just a couple will do the job.

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9- Dust before you polish

This is especially important when you clean wood furniture because many times they have a thick layer of dust and it might have a hard piece that could scratch the surface. The other reason is because when it's too dusty and you spray on top of the dust this will create a muddy consistency making it harder to clean. So always dust the surface with a clean dry cloth and then apply a cleanser to it.  


10- Floors: Always start from the back

Always start from the back of the room and then walk your way out. If you start at the door and go all the way to the back you will create foot prints on your freshly vacuumed carpet and that won't look nice. 

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