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The bathroom is one of those places in our house we all clean regularly: sink, shower and toilet. But did you know that there are other things that also need our attention? That is why we want to show you 5 things that we all should disinfect in the bathroom.


1- Door knob: We must clean it on both sides of the door. It is an element widely used by all members of the family, that is why it must be cleaned regularly.


2- Light switch: This must be carefully cleaned since it shouldn't be wet directly. A damp cloth with a disinfectant solution should be used instead. Spray disinfectant on a cloth and then apply it to the switch.


3- Toilet handle: This is probably the most forgotten places, yet the one of the dirtiest ones. It should be cleaned regularly, not only during deep a cleaning of your bathroom.


4- Toilet brush and it´s handle: Talk about a dirty job! It is important to disinfect the brush and also the handle as we probably use it before washing our hands.  


5- Faucet: The faucet is usually made of stainless steel, so it stores viruses and bacteria for long periods of time. This is in addition to being used many times with dirty hands.



How to disinfect it?


1 part water
1 part vinegar or rubbing alcohol
10-15 drops of essential oil

• Mix water and vinegar (or rubbing alcohol) in a spray bottle and add 10-15 drops of essential oil. Choose essential oils that not only will smell nice, but also have disinfectant properties such as tea tree oil and lavender.

• Spray on surface and let it sit for a few minutes to allow the disinfectant to do its job. Then wipe down making sure there's no water marks.

• The only area we'll do different is when we clean light switches as it might be dangerous to spray directly on it. In this case we'll spray on a microfiber cloth and then wipe down light switches.

• As for the toilet brush we will mix water and vinegar (or rubbing alcohol) directly in brush and soak it for a few hours. If you can soak it overnight even better!