home always clean

With most of us working from home these days, we all can agree our homes get dirty much easier. So the question is how can we keep our home always clean?

Below are some very simple steps you can follow and get the whole family involved!

1- Shoes off

By simply taking your shoes off every time you come home will make a huge difference. Not only floors will be clean longer, but also will prevent from getting scratched from dirt and debris we bring on our shoes. 

This is especially more important these days as we want to avoid bringing not only dirt but bacteria and viruses from the streets. 

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2- Have a home for everything 

Everything in our house should have a specific place to store it. There are some things that we currently know where they always go, like dishes, or food. But over time many items such as keys, tools or commonly used items get lost since we do not know where we left them nor do we take the time to save them or locate them where they belong.


3- Get rid of clutter

It is so important that we take in consideration wether we really need the things that we have. Every time you come across some random item in your home, ask yourself:
Am I enjoying this item in my house?
Is this serving me a purpose?
Do I love this item in my home?

If the answer is no, then you already know what to do.

organize closet

4- Clean as you go

I'm a big fan of this concept, and it does not mean that we become obsessive about cleaning and disinfection. The importance here is to prevent dirt from remaining on a surface before it's too hard to remove it. For example if you are cooking and you spill something, clean it asap before it dries up. This prevents elbow grease being used to remove the dirt.


5- Keep surfaces as clear as possible

By having a large amount of things on our surfaces, be it in the kitchen, bathroom or dining room, the greater the number of things that must be moved in order to clean. On the other hand, if most surfaces are uncluttered the easier it is to clean, and as a bonus the space looks in order and cleaner.


6- Make your bed every day

I cannot address this enough. The bed is usually the largest surface in our room, that's why it impacts whether the bedroom looks in order or messy. There are studies that show making our bed every day is the best start to have a more positive and productive day.
