How to  clean dishwasher-01.png

We usually think that items that are meant to clean should not be cleaned, such as dishwashers.

This wrong. Dishwashers often get clogged with the leftover food on plates, minerals from water, etc. Therefore they should be cleaned to ensure their efficiency, ideally two to four times a year.

If you haven't done it, do not worry, here we'll show you how to do it in a few simple steps!


1- Tools

First, grab your tools to give your dishwasher a good clean:
- Baking soda
- White Distilled Vinegar
- Sponge
- Toothbrush


2- Remove all removable parts

At first glance, you probably won't notice your appliance is dirty. However (and as we always recommend) it is important to remove all removable parts from your dishwasher, so you can clean/wash everything, including the filter (oftentimes a forgotten area). Remove the spray arm (which looks like a fan at the bottom of the dishwasher). Then remove the filter, wash all items and put aside while you take area of the rest.

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3- Clean the internal walls

Once you have removed all items from the interior of your dishwasher, you will find the walls and corners might be dirty. You can scrub it with baking soda and water, with the help of a sponge, using the soft side only. Pay special attention to the places where dirt tends to collect such as corners and crevices.

There will also be some places in which it will be difficult to reach with a sponge, in this case you can use a toothbrush to access the nooks and crannies.

Once clean, with a damp cloth remove the excess baking soda.

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4- Extract stagnant water

If you have stagnant water inside your dishwasher, this will make your dishwasher (and your dishes!) smell really bad. You might find this water under the filter. With the help of a sponge absorb the water and then squeeze it out in the sink. Repeat this process until it's empty.

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5- Replace removable items:

It may seem obvious, but it is very important to make sure everything that is put back in the right position. Remember that these items will work with water pressure so make sure they are well secured to avoid damaging your appliance.

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6- Cleaning cycle:

To finish and make your appliance is completely clean and working well, run a cycle with no detergent, but instead only a glass of white distilled vinegar. If possible put this cycle on the hottest water possible or the "sanitize" cycle if your dishwasher has this option.

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Finish it up by wiping down the exterior, such as the buttons, and use the help of a toothbrush to clean around these areas. If the exterior is stainless steel use the same paste as you did for the inside. After these simple steps you will have your dishwasher functioning great for several months.
